
(2 photos)

Hurry, this listing will expiry soon

With a very heavy heart we need to do what's right by Ozzy, a pure bred tiny Chihuahua, neutered and microchipped. He's 2 yrs old and very loving, loves to be on your lap all the time. He's shy and timid and he doesn't know you, and he's lucky if he weighs 2kg. He's a tiny long haried red boy. He and our older boy don't get along, and it's not fair on either of them. Ozzy needs a one person one pet home, with someone who will be with him all the time and dote on him

Price: $900

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  • If an offer seems too good to be true it probably is. We filter many scam listings out, but scammers are very clever and in a few cases appear to be fully legitimate listings.
  • We recommend meeting prior to money changing hands.
  • Ask about the pets health, history, and terms of trade.
  • Most money should only change hands on trade.
  • If you notice anything odd or unusual, exercise caution in dealing with this person.
  • If you think you're being scammed contact the police and contact us to remove the listing.
  • Pets4sale does not represent or endorse the person making this listing.

Contact Information


Joined: 2024, September
First Listing (about statuses)

Email Karen

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